Projects in Panditana Agrahara
Panditana Agrahara is a village located in the Anekal Taluka of Bangalore Urban District, Karnataka. As per the 2011 Census, it comprises 193 families with a total population of 824, including 134 children aged 0-6 years. The literacy rate stands at 75.80%, with male literacy at 82.07% and female literacy at 68.63%.
The village is situated approximately 8.28 km from Sompura and is surrounded by localities such as Thiruvaranga, Muthakadahalli, and Shivanapura. Nearby cities include Bangalore and Hosur.
Residents have access to basic amenities, including schools, hospitals, and grocery stores. The cost of living is relatively lower compared to other parts of Bengaluru, and the area is served by public transportation facilities.
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